The semester has officially ended and winter break has begun. Now I'm in the space of 'what do I do with myself now?' I feel like this is not a question of coming up with things to do, but deciding what to do first. This semester has been extremely busy and I've had things I would like to start, but jut no time. Well, the time is here and now I need to figure out where to start!
This break is going to be a lot of starts and attempts. Things I have wanted to try- but wanted to wait until I could focus on the task at hand. I still have no particular order of operations- but my list includes, but is not limited to:
Making felt hats
Learn to sand 3D prints
Find nature areas to wander
Learn how to use resin
Try embroidering baseball hats
Stained glass
Make pretty crystal crowns
Felting in general
Try to solder jewelry and do more metalwork
Learn to make candles
Make rugs
Learn how to cook
I won't get to them all, but we can try. In continuation of things to do, I also want to continue projects and use what I have to start others, like:
A mushroom platformer
Crystal database app for my phone
Mineral photography
Learn more guitar
Revisit piano and drums
Try using the midi drumkit to make a song in Logic
Make a website for my necklace sales
Upgrade parts of my PC
A Unity 3D game to help me feel better prepared for next semester
More digital music for no reason- maybe a Sea Shanty for a change
Learn more about bush babies
Maybe start a podcast with friends- who knows
I'm really excited to have the time and energy to spend on these things now. I love expanding my horizons and developing skills. This break spent at home seems like a perfect time to do that.
I hope everyone's semester ended well and any breaks are well anticipated. If anyone is bored, it is not unlikely for me to be posting resources and such for these activities if you would like to give it a go. I have found that the things I love often come from unexpected and unintended events- so here's to hoping a new journey comes from any of these as well.
To everyone- have a great winter break, happy holidays to any who celebrate, the never-ending year is almost over, and we all made it. I hope things are well and people have a peaceful and calm second-to-last week of 2020. Cheers